Managing Negative Thoughts as a Parent

3 Parenting Reminders for Managing Negative Thoughts

Posted March 18, 2016 by Rebecca Wolfenden, 1-on-1 Coach

3 Parenting Reminders for Managing Negative Thoughts

Parenting is tough. We speak to many people every day who are struggling with challenging parenting issues. It’s easy and normal to get caught up in negative thoughts about yourself and your family.

Here are some common thoughts we hear from parents:

“I love my family, but sometimes I don’t like being a parent.”

”My friends’ kids are so easy! Why can’t my kids be like them?”

“I’m just not good at this, I’m failing as a parent.”

When we compare how other people seem on the outside to how we are feeling on the inside, it is easy to be discouraged and feel isolated in our struggles. The truth is, no one has it all figured out, and we all have negative thoughts about ourselves or our families at times.

So what do you do when you are stuck in negative thinking? Here are some things we’ve learned from working with so many parents over the years.

What our community members have taught us about managing negative thoughts:

Don’t compare. Things might look better on the outside than they are on the inside. Don’t compare your life to someone’s social media pictures. Everyone has moments where they make parenting mistakes. Everyone has moments where they regret their words or their actions and they wish they could start the day over. This comes with the job. There is no such thing as a perfect parent.

It is O.K. to ask for help. When you are feeling stuck or unsure of what to do next, it is okay to reach out to a friend or to find resources online to help you. Sometimes talking to someone else can bring a new perspective and can give you some new ideas.

You are not alone. The coaching team has the privilege of speaking with so many parents from all around the world. We can tell you that if you are feeling overwhelmed, tired, worried, or upset about a parenting challenge, you are in very good company here.  It is very common to feel this way.

When you are having negative thoughts, be kind to yourself. Remind yourself that we are all just doing the best that we can. We are all in this together. We’re glad you are here with us.


Rebecca, Empowering Parents Coach

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