Scotty Mac Airbrushin’ a fish mailbox with Airbrush Xtremes

Here’s a video of GHG’s studio manager Scotty Mac bringin a fish to life

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Pollock-Esque Piece by Scotty Mac


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Museum of Fine Arts Field Trip


Museum of Fine Arts Field Trip

Tempo’s Green House Graphics took a trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston on Wednesday, July 31 to introduce artists to some of the world-renowned works on display. Featured at the MFA was the “Samurai! – Armor from the Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Collection” exhibit, featuring artifacts and armor from the Samurai of ancient Japan; as well as numerous exhibits featuring artists ranging from the modern contemporary works of several incredible artists to the amazing oil paintings of Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso and many more! Check out some of the Photos from our field trip below and on the Tempo’s Green House Graphics Facebook!


Frankie’s amazing photo voice flyer


Flyer prototype by Frankie02

Isaac King’s Jawbone



Isaac King’s “King of Fear”


king of fear

Isaac King “Black Angel”


black angel